Linux Compression Humanized
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40 lines
757 B

function compressor()
case $1 in
tar -cvf $1 $2
*.tar.gz | *.tgz)
tar -czvf $1 $2
*.tar.bz2 | *.tbz | *.tbz2 | *.tb2)
tar -c $2 | bzip2 > $1
*.tar.xz | *.txz)
tar -cJf $1 $2
bzip2 -c $2 > $1
gzip -c $2 > $1
zip -r $1 $2
7za a $1 $2
rar a $1 $2
echo "Extension not found."
echo -e "For more information run 'lch --help'\n"
echo -e "\nDone"
exit 0