#!/bin/bash function check() { local a=false echo -e "Verification of compression systems:\n" echo -e "Systems\t\t\tStatus" echo "----------------------------------" for i in "rar" "unrar" "tar" "bzip2" "gzip" "zip" "7za" do if ! [ -x "$(command -v $i)" ] then echo -e "$i\t\t\t\e[91mNot Installed\e[0m" $a = true else echo -e "$i\t\t\t\e[32mInstalled\e[0m" fi done if $a then echo -e "\nIn order to use all the extensions install the packages: tar, bzip2, gzip, zip, 7za, rar, unrar" fi echo "" exit 0 } function rarInstall(){ if [[ $(uname -m) -eq "x86_64" ]] then RAR_URL="https://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-x64-5.9.1.tar.gz" RAR_FILE="rarlinux-x64-5.9.1.tar.gz" else RAR_URL="https://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-5.9.1.tar.gz" RAR_FILE="rarlinux-5.9.1.tar.gz" fi wget $RAR_URL tar -zxvf $RAR_FILE cd rar cp -v rar unrar /usr/local/bin/ cd .. rm -r rar $RAR_FILE echo "rar/unrar installed." } function install() { echo -e "Install dependencies\n" if [ "$UID" != "0" ]; then echo " Only root can execute this script, sorry." echo " Try 'sudo $@'" exit 0 fi if [ -e "$(command -v rar)" ] then echo "rar installed." else rarInstall fi if [ -x "$(command -v apt)" ] then echo -e "APT system detected\n" apt install -y tar bzip2 gzip zip p7zip-full 1> /dev/null elif [ -n "$(grep "centos" /etc/*-release)" ] then echo -e "CentOS system detected\n" yum install -y -q epel-release 1> /dev/null rpm -U --quiet http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 1> /dev/null rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6 1> /dev/null yum repolist 1> /dev/null yum install -y -q tar bzip2 gzip zip p7zip 1> /dev/null elif [ -x "$(command -v dnf)" ] then echo -e "DNF system detected\n" dnf install -y -q tar bzip2 gzip zip p7zip 1> /dev/null elif [ -x "$(command -v yum)" ] then echo -e "Yum system detected\n" yum install -y -q tar bzip2 gzip zip p7zip 1> /dev/null elif [ -x "$(command -v pacman)" ] then echo -e "Pacman system detected\n" pacman -Sqy --noconfirm tar bzip2 gzip zip p7zip 1> /dev/null elif [ -x "$(command -v zypper)" ] then echo -e "Zypper system detected\n" zypper install -y tar bzip2 gzip zip p7zip-full 1> /dev/null else echo -e "System installer not detected\n" fi echo -e "\nDependencies installation finished\n" exit 0 }