#!/usr/bin/env bash # Colors RESET="\e[0m" GREEN="\e[32m" RED="\e[91m" function help() { echo "Help:" echo "-----" echo "" echo "lch [-h] [-v] [-c] [-i] [FILE [FILE...]]" echo "" echo "Examples:" echo "$ lch -h - This help" echo "$ lch -v - Print version" echo "$ lch -c - Check compression systems" echo "$ lch -i - Install the compressors dependencies" echo "$ lch file.zip - Decompress" echo "$ lch file.zip /home/file - Compress" echo "$ lch files.zip file1 file2 - Compress multiple" echo "" echo "Packing/unpacking supported extensions:" echo " 7z, bz2, gz, rar, tar, tar.bz2, tbz, tbz2, tb2, tar.gz, tgz, tar.xz, txz, zip" echo "" echo "Unpacking only supported extensions:" echo " arj, cab, dmg, iso, lzh, lzma, rpm, squashfs, vdi, vhd, vmdk, win, xar, z" echo "" echo "Run 'man lch' for more info." echo "" } function check() { local a=false echo -e "Verification of compression systems:\n" echo -e "Systems\t\t\tStatus" echo "----------------------------------" for i in "7z" "bzip2" "gzip" "rar" "tar" "unrar" "unzip" "zip" do wheel true & WPID=$! if ! [ -x "$(command -v $i)" ] then echo -e "$i$RED\t\t\tNot Installed$RESET" a=true else echo -e "$i$GREEN\t\t\tInstalled$RESET" fi disown $WPID kill $WPID &> /dev/null done if $a then echo -e "\nIn order to use all the extensions install the packages." echo -e "Or use 'lch -i' to install all dependences" fi echo "" } function lowercase() { echo "$DEST" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' } function error_not_install() { echo -e "$@$RED is not installed$RESET, use 'lch -c' to check and 'lch -i' to install." exit 0 } function executer() { wheel true & WPID=$! if [ -x "$(command -v $1)" ] then "$@" 1> /dev/null else error_not_install $1 fi disown $WPID kill $WPID &> /dev/null } function complete_install(){ echo -e "$@:$GREEN\t\t\tCompleted$RESET" } function failed_install(){ echo -e "$@:$RED\t\t\tFailed$RESET" } function wheel() { sp='/-\|' while $1; do printf '%.1s\b' "$sp" sp=${sp#?}${sp%???} sleep 0.1s done }