A set of tools for configuring the Logitech G19 keyboard. Based in: https://github.com/Gnome15/gnome15
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

30 lines
1015 B

char *s = N_("<b>Keys Pressed</b>");
char *s = N_("<b>Memory Bank:</b>");
char *s = N_("<b>Name:</b>");
char *s = N_("<b>Repetition</b>");
char *s = N_("<b>Target:</b>");
char *s = N_("Action");
char *s = N_("Allow combination of keys");
char *s = N_("BTN_TEST");
char *s = N_("Delay between repeats");
char *s = N_("Digital Joystick");
char *s = N_("Edit Macro");
char *s = N_("Filter:");
char *s = N_("Joystick Button");
char *s = N_("KEY_TEST");
char *s = N_("Keyboard Key");
char *s = N_("Macro Script");
char *s = N_("Mode:");
char *s = N_("Mouse Button");
char *s = N_("None");
char *s = N_("Override default repeat delay");
char *s = N_("Run Command");
char *s = N_("Simple Macro");
char *s = N_("Toggle");
char *s = N_("When held");
char *s = N_("You can use & to run the command in the background");
char *s = N_("\\r for Return, \\e for escape, \\b for backspace, \\t for tab\n"
"\\p for pause and \\\\ for backslash");
char *s = N_("_Browse");
char *s = N_("column");
char *s = N_("label");