[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Logitech G Keyboard Indicator Name[fr]=Indicateur Logitech Clavier G Name[it]=Tastiera Logitech G Indicatore Icon=gnome15 Comment=Panel indicator allowing control and monitor of the Gnome15 desktop service for Logitech G keyboards. Comment[fr]=Voyant panneau permettant le contrĂ´le et le suivi du service Gnome15 bureau pour les claviers Logitech G. Comment[it]=Pannello indicatore che consente il controllo e il monitoraggio del servizio Gnome15 desktop per tastiere Logitech G Exec=g15-indicator Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=TrayIcon;GTK GenericName= #X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=0 #AutostartCondition=GNOME /desktop/gnome/gnome15/enabled X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Applications #X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true #X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gnome15